Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Hair!

So, after almost 6 years of growing out my hair, I got it in my head that I needed to cut it off. It's thick, and bulky, and hot, and heavy. If I let my hair get too long, I end up with headaches, I mean that's how heavy it is. It's ungodly thick and ridiculously animalistic. Once in a while, I get this ambitious streak before going out, and I take the 2 hours to straighten it, only to put it up about 20 minutes after arriving at my destination. It's so long that it gets in everything, I can't wear it down on dinner dates because it gets in my food, I can't wear it down at home because the strands I shed attack your toes with a vengeance, I can't wear it natural because it doesn't do those gorgeous effortless curls or waves everyone thinks I have but rather it looks like unintentional messy dreadlocks that gradually turn into a giant ginger afro, if I wear it in a pony tail the end hangs down on my neck in the summer and it acts like a wool scarf, if I braid it in the summer it hangs on my neck and acts like a wool scarf.... You get the idea. My hair is impossible. I never wanted to cut it though. I'm single, so in my head men always want women with long long hair. I'm not totally sure where this idea came from, but it's been implanted in my brain since forever. As a result I suffered for 6 years with my long hair in the hopes of, I'm not sure, ensnaring a man with my luscious locks Rapunzel style? It seems pretty ridiculous now that I'm typing this. Well, eventually I outgrew this notion. (like last week) Obviously my long hair isn't reeling in the men folk, considering the fact that I'm still single, I think you actually have to go somewhere other then the local Hardware store and your child's school to meet people... Possibly. Although, if the Hardware store isn't the right place to meet manly men, I don't know where you should meet them! Maybe I'm just not paying attention. Normally I'm trying to keep track of my nugget who always wants to pet the store dog and making a bee line to the painting supplies. I'm pretty oblivious to most things around me at that point, plus I'm normally sweaty and dirty, spotted with paint, my hair is up in a ballerina bun but giant and not cute probably half of it is falling down, and wearing my old Beatles tee which is covered in holes and residue of red paint and "blood" splatter from my zombie make up trials. I'm certain, even if everything else fails to scare anyone away from me, the bloody t-shirt might do the trick. I actually might be a little worried about the person who sees me like that and says to themselves, "I need to date that blood and paint covered mess right there." I mean, it's not real blood but it looks pretty real now that it's been washed a couple of times.   I've gone slightly off track here, lets bring it around town back to my hair. My point is, I've grown into my single life and need to lop off this wolf hair. Without farther explanation lets show a before and after hair photo!

This is one of my very first and last mirror selfies I've ever taken. I swore this would never happen, but how else do you get a photo of your freakishly long hair when you only have a toddler to help you out? So quite obviously this is pretty long. It goes down to about the small of my back.

This is right after we cut the initial length.


This is after we piled it up and attempted to fit it in the dust pan
It was heavy too! Like 3 pounds of hair.

And afterwards! It's longer then I had anticipated it being, but with how thick my hair is naturally we didn't want to end up with a mushroom effect. I'm actually on the fence, I may still want to cut it shorter. Like a more grown out Michelle Williams pixie cut. Who knows. If you'd like to see a nicer, non sweaty picture of me with my new hair you can check out my August Ipsy Glam Bag Review post!
I kept this a total secret from everyone and just showed up with short hair. Needless to say my family and friends were shocked. I was even more surprised at the fact that everyone was so attached to my hair. I mean some friends were really upset, like I had cut THEIR hair or something. I've never been one of those girls who is super attached to my hair. I may be attached to my platinum blonde color but not the actual length. I've had everything from past my butt length to a Mohawk and never batted an eyelash or cried a single tear. I couldn't believe, though, how upset some people were that I cut MY hair! I had no idea it meant so much to some of my friends and family. I love them, but I think it's weird. I get that after 6 years, you'll have to adjust to the new look, but lets not get dramatic. It's hair. It will always grow back. Unless it doesn't, in which case, that's what wigs are for.

I'm glad you took the time to read through my pointless ramble about my hair and my views on menfolk. In case you're wondering why I felt the need to share this, I thought it was a pretty big life event. I mean 6 years of hair, just gone in an afternoon!
How do I feel after cutting off like 3 feet of hair you might ask....
I feel free! Liberated from my hair that I'm certain was attempting to devour me alive. Most of all, I love that it cut all the edges that had turned golden over time so that the entire cut is the light blonde I love so much.  

Thanks for staying with me this long to make it to the end here!

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