Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Tired.... Chella Anti Fatigue Eye Mask Review

I decided to test out Chella's anti fatigue eye mask. I believe I received this in a past test tube, meant to try it, and saved it for "the right time". It's about 11pm and I'm so super tired, why is this not the most perfect time to try out an anti fatigue eye mask? All I'm going to do is watch dvr'd episodes of Degrassi and surf around on Pinterest trying to find new random food stuff, because I'm pretty sure the only thing I love as much as my child, is food. It's possible that I love food more then I love me, or my make up, or my dogs... Scratch that, I do love food more then my dogs, I would totally cook and eat them if we were starving to death. Although one is skinny and crazy, and the other is a fattie mcfatkins, I'm not sure how good we'd eat on them. Back to the anti fatigue eye mask. I just have to say that I had to search, on my hands and knees, in the dark, for 20 horrifying minutes while sliding my hand back and forth blindly under my bed. Which reminds me that I totally need to clean out underneath my bed. My child has decided that tonight is the night for her to sleep in my room, and not knowing where this eye mask ended up exactly, I needed to hunt for it, but quietly and stealthy so I didn't wake the nugget in the process.

So the directions for the eye mask is that you open the neat little foil packet containing 2 not so little eye pads, you then open the little single serving eye goop container, squeeze it all in over the pads, and then let it soak it up. I squeezed all the goop in the little tray and it was quickly absorbed by one side of my eye pads. I had to swirl it around a bit and let it sit for about 4 minutes before it all soaked in. So then I'm supposed to pull these pads apart and slap them on my under eye area "like a second skin", the package says. I find that wording a little creepy, but rock on I guess. It did not go on "like a second skin", it folded on itself and got stuck together, and it's super slippery so I had a hard time trying to unfold it. I ended up with one slightly folded and it created an edge, which I'm totally cool with. The eye pads are also super long, they go from the inner corner of my eye all the way out to my hair line, do I just have a small face? I lined it all up, it felt like I had just put a cold jellyfish on my eyes, but after a couple minutes it literally felt like I had nothing on there at all. I did have a slight problem with the eye goop coming out of the pads and running down my face, but I just rubbed it into my cheeks and it all worked out. I just have to say, there is absolutely no smell to this. I even put it so close to my nose that the tip dipped into the eye goop, and I still couldn't detect a smell. It didn't dry up over the course of the 30 minutes I left it on. (Because I was finishing the new Degrassi episode and telling Tristan on tv that the love note was a trap! Alas, they never listen to me, those pesky tv highschoolers) In fact, it was still super full of eye goop, it seems a shame to waste so much product, I feel like I could stuff these in a ziplock baggie and use them again with all the remaining goop, but that hardly seems sanitary. Although I did just wash my face with my clarisonic, so I'm certain my skin is about as clean as it gets, but still.

After my time was up I wandered into the bathroom to remove my eye pads and was shocked to discover that they had "melted" into my face. You could barely even notice they were there. This would be a lovely treatment to do on an overnight flight, if you're concerned with being discreet. I peeled them off, no problem, I can not get over how they feel though, like the way a jellyfish looks in the water, how you'd expect them to feel, delicate and soft but paper thin and slightly gelatinous... Kind of ishy actually. I did, however, notice a slight improvement with some dark circles that decide to bloom on my face after 9pm. Now, the website claims after 4 weekly treatments you'll see "a reduction of under-eye puffiness, fine lines and dehydration." I feel like these would totally be worth a try and at $30 for a 4 pack, which equals out to $30 for a month's supply if you're only doing a once weekly eye mask like they recommend, it's a pretty decent deal compared to other eye masks out there. You can find Chella anti Fatigue Eye Mask HERE

**I received this sample through New Beauty Test Tube that I paid for with my own money. I always give my true and honest reviews, I am not paid to write good or bad reviews of products**

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